Thursday, June 30, 2011

Don't Sweat the Small Stuff...

...and it's all small stuff!

For the past few nights I have been slowly reading this book and I honestly believe it is genius!!!!  I also believe it is a lot of common sense, but when situations occur sometimes, common sense goes straight out the window.  So it's nice to be reminded/taught on how to handle tough times and the stress of everyday life.

I thought I would share with you what I have found most useful in the first couple of chapters.  When everyday incidents occur - imagine that everyone is enlightened but yourself.  Take on the student approach and say "what is this situation trying to teach me?"  Whether it's the man who pulls out in front of you, having to wait in a long line, dealing with a rude person, or a whiny child, etc" - any little situation can use this approach. 

Since I have read that chapter, I have found myself asking this ALL the time!  And it's only been TWO days!  Last night, Cameron vomited in the floor and as I was cleaning it up I was thinking, "what in the world could this possibly be trying to teach me?"  Maybe, preparation for when Darrell & I have children, or maybe it was a reminder that I really should mop my floors soon.  Who knows? 

What I do know is that there isn't one situation that God throws in our way that doesn't have a purpose.

Wednesday, June 29, 2011

First Day of School

I can't tell you how excited and anxious I am about writing my first blog!  Blogging has been on my mind for several months now and sort of, what I would consider a personal goal...and just this morning, a dear friend of mine began blogging.  I thought to myself, "Why can't I?" 

So then I pondered in my head all day what I would write about.  What should I focus on? 

If you know me, you know I am just a little bit like my Dad.  I like to consider myself an even combination of both of my parents.  Both were and still are very influential in my life.  However, my Dad can sometimes have 1,000 projects going at once.  Before focusing on one and moving to the next, he'll start 10 others.  I find myself doing that at times: having trouble focusing...I want to have a kid, buy a house, sell a condo, travel, relax, make money and save money all within the next 4 -5 months.  See what I mean.  So I decided there would be no one focus.  This would be just a blog of my everyday life.

So today I added blogging to my list of "projects".  I am as nervous as I used to be on the first day of school!  I didn't think about having to design it or name it.  Good golly - that took all day!  So I came up with "The Preacher's Daughter."  My whole life, I have been a "Preacher's Daughter."  I recently got married, got a puppy, began teaching Sunday School, got a big girl job, and all that fun "adult" stuff.  Now I am no longer just a Preachers' Daughter: I am a wife, mommy to Cameron(puppy), sister, teacher, employee, friend and any other  name you can tag on.  This blog is about my journey as all of these. 

While I wear many nametags, the closest and dearest to my heart, will always be "The Preachers' Daughter."

The Preacher <3
(Also known as "Daddy")