...and it's all small stuff!
For the past few nights I have been slowly reading this book and I honestly believe it is genius!!!! I also believe it is a lot of common sense, but when situations occur sometimes, common sense goes straight out the window. So it's nice to be reminded/taught on how to handle tough times and the stress of everyday life.
I thought I would share with you what I have found most useful in the first couple of chapters. When everyday incidents occur - imagine that everyone is enlightened but yourself. Take on the student approach and say "what is this situation trying to teach me?" Whether it's the man who pulls out in front of you, having to wait in a long line, dealing with a rude person, or a whiny child, etc" - any little situation can use this approach.
Since I have read that chapter, I have found myself asking this ALL the time! And it's only been TWO days! Last night, Cameron vomited in the floor and as I was cleaning it up I was thinking, "what in the world could this possibly be trying to teach me?" Maybe, preparation for when Darrell & I have children, or maybe it was a reminder that I really should mop my floors soon. Who knows?
What I do know is that there isn't one situation that God throws in our way that doesn't have a purpose.