Friday, June 15, 2012

Weeks 22 & 23

These last two weeks have been my favorite 2 by far!

There has been so much movement from the baby!  It is so amazing to watch my stomach bulge when he moves and he moves A LOT!  The most special part was that Darrell was finally able to feel the baby too!  We had a check up 3 weeks ago and I asked the Dr. when  Darrell would be able to feel the baby too, he seemed to think it would be another month.  Then 2 days later I was laying in bed reading and the baby was moving like he was doing flips!  I got Darrell to feel and of course he stops and then suddenly WHAM, he kicked us both!  Darrell was so cute!  He couldn't believe that I get to feel this all the time.  And, it was SO nice to be able to share it with him because it's harder for the Dad to relate since his body isn't going through any changes.

Since then, he moves all the time!  But if you try to catch him doing it, and feel it yourself, he will of course stop.  The minute you take your hand off of my belly, he goes right back at it.  He's already sneaky.  =)

I have felt the best the last 2 weeks that I have the whole pregnancy.  My dad even came over and spent the whole Saturday with Darrell unloading the spare room and turning into a nursery.  It is still a work in progress, but here is a before and after.  We have one more dresser to put together.

And as promised, here is an ultrasound picture.  One of our favorites.  Little guy decided to put his finger up over his face - I am hoping that is not his middle finger!  SO CUTE!

Heres a picture from this week.  Can't believe we are already 6 months along.  Where has the time went?
Thank you for all of your prayers!