Friday, July 15, 2011

Favorite Friday

I've decided every Friday will be "Favorite Friday" & I can introduce you to something that is currently my favorite.  This week's grand winner is:

Blue Bunny Birthday Party Ice Cream Sandwiches!


Okay okay...There is a funny story behind this, kind of.  Darrell hardly ever has the opportunity to join me for grocery shopping.  This week though, he had a week off from games so he was available.  After much begging he agreed to go with me.

B.I.G. mistake.

I honestly try to always shop "healthy."  I try to do one big grocery run for the month, and every Monday I go to the grocery store and get fresh fruit and fresh salad materials, since they won't last an entire month. 

This time was no different than every other Monday...just a quick run in and quick run back out.  Except, Darrell was with me.

If you know my husband, you know he has a weakness for ice cream.  He would eat it every night, and some weeks, he does!

So we get to the ice cream aisle, and we attempt picking out which new ice cream we want.  Keep in mind, ice cream is not on my fresh fruit and fresh salad materials list.  But, if ice cream keeps my hubby happy, he can surely have it!

I am not joking when I say we spent almost 10 minutes debating what kind of ice cream to buy!  Initially, Darrell picked these birthday party ice cream sandwiches out.  Our only drawback was they were $4.99.  Since we are trying to save as much money as we can, we seriously debated on whether or not it was worth it to buy $5 ice cream.  I tried to convince him that we should buy some Minute Maid Fruit Juice Bars, since they were healthier.  After much deliberation, I finally said "just get whatever you want, you are the one that eats it anyway."

Bad idea.  That evening after dinner, Darrell couldn't wait to try his new ice cream.  He even shared a bite with me.  Now, if you know anything about me, you know I love cake!!!!  So cake flavored ice cream, is a dream! 

I have ate one ice cream bar every night & I am not even an ice cream person! 
My hope is that they will be gone more quickly if I help him eat them, we will NEVER buy these again, & I can be back to my salad eating habits sooner than later!

Lesson learned: It's probably okay if you're husband doesn't go grocery shopping with you...

BUT, if you want to splurge - I highly recommend this delightful little sandwiches!  :)
They are definitely a "favorite"!


  1. I am going to have to stop by the grocery store on my way home! Thanks Jamie, there goes my diet!!!

  2. The only thing he likes more than ice cream is ice cream mixed with milk... I've never heard someone ask so many different places if they had milkshakes! Oh Darrell...

    Love the blog Jamie!!
