I don't know why I find it hard to find time to write in the blog lately. I even have an app on my phone so I can do it anywhere and any time, but I never find the time. AND, I just realized this week that I never blogged about the ultra sound appointment when we found out we were having a baby BOY!
Darrell's mom and my parents accompanied us on the appt. for the ultrasound. It was very sweet to be able to share it with everyone. Darrell and I found out by ourselves first and then brought the parents in to share the news.
I was surprised how quickly the technician knew it was a boy! As soon as she placed her little wand on my belly, she knew. Darrell let out a loud "YEAH!" while I cried sweet tears of joy. Boy or Girl, it honestly did not matter to us. We got to see him move his hand up by his head and even pointed a finger up to his mouth. It was absolutely precious. I am going to post the photos of the ultrasound, as soon as I find time to scan them into my computer.
Last weekend Darrell and I spent Memorial Day picking out Lil Man's baby furniture and registering for baby gifts. I don't think I have ever felt so overwhelmed when we registered. We started on one aisle and went down each and every aisle until we made it to the end. By the end of that day, Mommy was EXHAUSTED. No more sleeping through the night though. I sleep for about an hour at a time then I have to pee or switch sides, because my hips are throbbing.
The last two weeks I have noticed a major increase in my appetite! I can't get enough food! That is honestly the only change I have felt, besides the hip pain, and a growing belly and the flutters! I get to feel our sweet boy move around all day. He usually moves right after I eat, or if I have been sitting straight up for a little while, he moves around. Every night, Darrell and I get into bed and read and he always moves around then. Hopefully he will be a reader like Mommy. I have always wondered what it would feel like to feel your baby moving inside of you, and I have no words to describe it! It is surreal - every woman should be able to experience it!
Thank you so much for all the prayers!!!
You're so cute! Little Boys are sooooooo much fun.