Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Week 7

This week has been filled with emotions.  Sometimes I feel like I am on an emotional roller coaster.  I cannot control my tears anymore.  They come and go as they please.  

I still feel tired and nauseous a lot.  Thank God this past week was a 3 day weekend so I got a lot of extra rest.  

I had my first craving.  It was for a big slice of veggie pizza.  I emailed Darrell and told him.  The next day was Valentine’s Day and he brought me home a big veggie pizza from Papa Johns.  I thought I could eat the whole thing....but  I was stuffed after 2 slices!  I feel hungry enough to eat everything in sight, but get full quicker than I expect.  At least I had leftovers for the next day.  =)

A friend of ours was out of town and his little girl was staying with her Grandma and Grandma.  Her name is Emory.  She came to church and sat with me and she was so excited that I was having a baby.  She asked me as soon as she seen me, “What are you going to call its name?”  I said “I don’t know yet, what do you think?”  Without hesitation, she replied, “Snowflake!”  So funny!!!  She then told me, not to tell Darrell because he will freak out!

Later during church Emory was playing with my hair and she said “Jamie, I don’t want you to be a Mommy!” I said “Why not?!” She said, “Because you won’t be Jamie anymore and you won’t come and see me anymore!”  I explained to her I will always be Jamie, I will just additionally be “Mommy” now too.  That seemed to please her and me too. 

Truth is, I don’t feel like Jamie much anymore.  I feel like a cautious bubble.  Everything I do and eat and say and think must be thought about twice to make sure it is okay for our child.  Can I eat this?  Does this really contain raw eggs?  What kind of lotion should I start buying?  Am I getting enough vegetables?  How many potato chips are too many? 

A million questions every day, all day.  I know though, that somewhere deep inside is Jamie, and once she gets used to this being pregnant thing, she will be back!  =)

Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Happy Valentines Day!!!!

 Around October 10th, a day before my own birthday, I will officially have a new tag to add to my list of names.  This tag will be "Mommy."  I have to say, as much as I enjoy being the Preachers' Daughter, Wife,  Sister, Friend and many more, "Mommy" is the one I have waited my whole life to enjoy.

This Valentine's Day will be a holiday I will remember for the rest of my life... Just last week, Darrell and I found out that we are having a baby!  Words cannot even describe how excited we are!! Excited, scared, anxious, impatient, all at the same time, while feeling we only have a limited amount of time to get everything we need to be prepared.

Call me naive, but I always assumed the pregnancy side effects would hit later in the know, like for the first 4 months I would be in a joyous bliss planning for our baby's arrival, and after that, the going would get tough. 

HA!  While I am ecstatic, I am also tired beyond measure and find it hard to hold my eyes open after 8:30pm...I also cannot sleep through the night now without getting up multiple times to use the restroom...Taking the stairs in my condo building suddenly wears me out...Food that I normally LOVE, I can't stand to look at.  Food I wouldn't think of touching, suddenly seems appetizing...and don't let a Disney movie come on...I will cry for hours!

I want to be jumping around with excitement, but instead I lay and rest, hoping that whatever I just ate won't make me feel nauseous, while carrying a roll of Tums with me everywhere. 

Did I mention that today, I put on my first pair of pants that were "snug"?  I thought, "eh, I can wear these a little while longer, you aren't supposed to be showing until a little farther along."  After about 2 hours at work with my pants feeling like they were cutting the circulation off to my stomach, the buttons were undone for the rest of the day. 
Those pants went to the very back of my closet... 

And the best part?  I wouldn't change a bit of it for the world.  I want to experience every single moment of this pregnancy.  What a small sacrifice for a precious child that we will one day, call our very own.

In the words of Winnie the Pooh, "A grand adventure is about to begin.."
...An adventure that I couldn't love anymore this Valentines Day.